Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fall, Fact Families, and Graphing oh my!

This week we have been working with picture graphs and bar graphs! We made these cute fall graphs:

The kiddos loved the fall theme and their graphs came out great!

An activity I can't get over is this!! My fact family acorns. We reviewed what fact families were. They forgot since 1st so we were refreshing our memories. THEN I gave every kiddo a card, some kids had 2 cards. They walked around the room to find a fact family! Once they did, they sat down and recorded it onto their acorn sheet. They switched cards and found a new fact family! The conversation was awesome. I heard, "Ok guys 3+4 is 7, we need a 7! 7 where are you?" It was cute and exciting for me all at the same time! 

Both of these activities plus more can be found in my Fall Everything Pack! 

 On a side note! Our school is doing a bookmark contest. We do 1 every year. I think they pick a few winners from each grade level and then keep copies of their bookmarks in the library for the kids around the school to use. Teachers are allowed to participate! Last year I did Dr. Seuss and this year I went with Mo Willems! Check it out! 

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